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Ill arm up just before I leave Nemo, and Ill do the attaching myself. But Ill need two divers to carry the explosive disks out of the sub. Theyll be in a small box thats easy to lift. After the disks are rigged, well go Italian Cannoli Recipes back to Nemo and move far jimmy buffett margaritaville drink recipes
away to avoid any compression damage when theyre detonated. Jackman spoke through his pain and fatigue, What kind of distance are you talking about? It has to be at least a hundred and fifty yards. Kresky looked at Cornell again for Italian Cannoli Recipes permission to say more. Cornell understood. Go ahead, Joe. Tell him the whole drink recipes alcoholic
the only problem is whether the radio signal will carry as far as a hundred and fifty yards. Its never been tested beyond that distance or at that depth. And we cant move Italian Cannoli Recipes in any closer, because when those explosives go off, you might as well be dropping depth charges on low fat zucchini bread recipes
Also, we have to hope the shaped charges do their job of directing most of the force outward, or wed risk blowing up the hold itself. Questioning eyes Italian Cannoli Recipes turned toward the admiral. Nemo, he said, is going to maintain a safe distance, period. If the signal doesnt carry, thats the ball game. low fat zucchini bread recipes
this is the reason Joe and I havent even mentioned the plastics being on board until now. I never thought wed Italian Cannoli Recipes have to use them, and that if we did, it would be only as a last resort ... and a pretty unreliable one to boot. Mitchell said, Joe, I dont like grilled hawaiian chicken recipes
idea of arming those devices inside the sub. Cant they be armed after theyre attached? Not Italian Cannoli Recipes necessary. You could drop one of these babies off a thirty-story building and all youd get is a thud. They can be detonated only by a coded radio signal. There was silence again as divers, sub crew, italian custard desserts recipes
the three civilians digested what they had heard. Gillespie Italian Cannoli Recipes couldnt believe that no one had mentioned the most obvious drawback. He sensed that the navy people were reluctant to challenge a flag officer, so he spoke up himself. Great plan, Roger, except for the other very large flaw. What happens if Nemos french dessert recipes
dim down to Italian Cannoli Recipes weak flashlights again? Or fail completely? And then the AMOS lights go off? Both of those things have happened already. Then youll have everyone trapped in a darkness you have to experience to comprehend its terror. Thats what the divers fear most, Roger, and Im Italian Cannoli Recipes saying it for them. Cornell tea smoked chicken recipes
prepared for this. Weve got a way for the divers to find their way back to Nemo even in pitch-blackness, if it comes to that. Theyll work with long tethers attached to their belts, the opposite ends linked to the top Italian Cannoli Recipes of Nemos diving compartment. Theres no way anyone can get drink recipes alcoholic
We ought to be willing to take that much of a chance. If I thought this plan carried an unacceptable exposure to casualties, Id secure this expedition right now. Gillespie pressed him. Roger, even with tethers, Italian Cannoli Recipes we have no w.