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Like its more distant neighbour, Santorini, thirty miles to the south-west, Vrakonisi is volcanic in origin. It is what remains of the crater walls of an immense volcano extinct since prehistoric times. Ancient upheavals and subsidences have given it a ragged profile, with a misshapen Drink Recipes Alcoholic semicircular backbone of hills rising in easy cooking recipes
to twelve hundred feet. From the air, Vrakonisi looks like the blade of a sickle drawn by a very drunk man. The tip of the blade has broken off, so that a hundred shallow yards of the Aegean lie Drink Recipes Alcoholic between the main body of the island and a tiny unnamed islet cookie recipes
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particular summer month the house had been occupied by two men whose passports said they were French; morose, taciturn men, their complexions suggesting little acquaintance with life Drink Recipes Alcoholic in the sun. Their behaviour suggested the same thing. Pallid and uncomfortable-looking in gaudy bathing-shorts, they could sometimes be seen sprawled in canvas chairs one pound ground beef uncooked pasta recipes
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to do. Their identity and purpose, and very much more, were well known to Colonel Sun Drink Recipes Alcoholic Liang-tan of the Special Activities Committee, Peoples Liberation Army. The two men on the islet were out of sight of the colonel as he sat at the window of a smaller and even less accessible house top secret recipes tom wilbur
theirs, situated on the main body of the island. Drink Recipes Alcoholic For even the chance of a look at them he would have had to go outside, make his way up an overgrown hillside to a point perhaps two hundred and fifty feet above sea level, and look down across the farther slopes, chinese dessert recipes
stretch of water Drink Recipes Alcoholic and the eighty-yard length of the islet, about a kilometre in all. But, ever since arriving here by water the previous night, Colonel Sun had not gone outside for a moment. The immediately recognizable Oriental facial type has in itself seriously hindered the expansion of Drink Recipes Alcoholic Chinese infiltration and espionage top secret recipes tom wilbur
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