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Your giant creatures ... whos to say a shark cant grow to freakish size?
Henning leaned back in one of the uncomfortable chairs occupying Gillespies office, an expression on. his face that fell just shy of being self-satisfied. He was a big, rumpled bear of a Cookie Recipes man in his mid-fifties, his burly
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and age offset by a pink-cheeked face and an ingratiating, easy smile. I think, Henning said, that youre both underestimating the power of imagination under stress. If a person is nervous or frightened to begin with, ordinary objects can be Cookie Recipes magnified into terrifying objects. I suppose said Montague, youd discount what I saw, dinner recipes using ground turkey breast
what Van Buren saw, for the same reason. A face in a porthole, and a shadowy figure on the Titanics deck, Henning said. Those two incidents intrigue me more than the creatures and all Cookie Recipes the mechanical problems. But not to the extent of accepting them as legitimate evidence. Look, gentlemen, if you easy main dish recipes
the average person into a deserted mansion, a place he knows is reputed to be haunted, his mind is capable of conjuring up almost anything. A large Cookie Recipes piece of cobweb may look like a human face. A curtain fluttering in a draft takes on the shape of a shroud. Now, you easy main dish recipes
that same person next to the remains of a ship with the reputation of the Titanic, and youve got the equivalent Cookie Recipes of your haunted house. Believe me, Ive investigated a lot of houses, and most of them were about as haunted as this office. Montague said simply, I was there. Im not doubting cold pasta broccoli salad recipes
word, Mr. Montague. Im merely pointing out to you that at least ninety percent of Cookie Recipes these reported incidents, after theyve been objectively investigated, do not involve the supernatural. Gillespie said quickly, What about the other ten percent? Considering the controversial nature of the subject, that seems to be a relatively high proportion. Very cold pasta broccoli salad recipes
Henning conceded, but it doesnt mean we wind up Cookie Recipes with a verified ghost in one out of every ten investigations. Some incidents are simply unexplainable. Or the investigation itself was flawed. It may help if you both understand that competent parapsychologists, and I like to think Im in that category, are recipes for pressure cooker country ribs
by nature. We Cookie Recipes see too many alleged psychic phenomena turn out to be the work of charlatans and con artists staging séances, or authors who disguise fiction as fact so they can make a fast buck. On the other hand, if one accepts parapsychology as a legitimate science-as Cookie Recipes I do-the existence of easy main dish recipes
supernatural is nothing to laugh at. Studies have shown that the human body transmits electrical energy that persists after all organic life has ceased. In rare cases, the energy is so strong that it apparently can form the image of the person Cookie Recipes who died. Most psychic phenomena are attributed to this residue dinner recipes using ground turkey breast
electrical energy. There is a fascinating variation of this basic theory, accepted by some parapsychologists. They believe there is an unknown substance present in all space and matter thats capable of preserving the image formed Cookie Recipes by the bodys electrical energy, a kind of intangible photographic medium. Henning paused, and looked at Montague. fourth of july cake recipes
substance is called psychic ether. The theory is that under exceptionally traumatic circumstances, such as murder, suicide, or other instances of violent, sudden death, the energy is recorded on Cookie Recipes this psychic ether like a photographic image ... an image that can move as a living person can move. He paused again, as cold pasta broccoli salad recipes
trying to reconcile something. I suppose, he mused, the Titanic does harbor some interesting possibilities, now that were talking about it. Gillespie leaped on Cookie Recipes that comment. Doctor, Admiral Cornell has authorized me to invite you to join our expedition. The Navy will compensate you for your services, of course, taking into consideration fourth of july cake recipes
time youll be spending away from your regular practice. Hennings eyebrows shot up. Im a little surprised theres Cookie Recipes an admiral in the United States Navy who even admits the possibility of the su.