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five years ago! In Scotland. You were trying to find the Loch Ness monster.
Precisely. Unfortunately, we didnt find Nessie. But we had one hell of a lot of fun looking. Thats how Martin Lefferts likes to spend his money, trying to prove the reality of Chicken Enchilada Recipes myths and legends. Id be a french drink recipes
man if I had what it cost him to wander around Tibet for three months looking for the Abominable Snowman. He once financed an expedition into the heart of Africa on the strength of an ancient tribal legend that Chicken Enchilada Recipes a species of dinosaur big enough to kill a hippo still existed land o lakes pasta and zucchini recipes
the area. The mans absolutely daft! Montague laughed. Live dinosaurs in the twentieth century; this Lefferts chases rainbows! Not daft. Consumed by curiosity. This came from Van Buren, and both Hawke and Montague stared at Chicken Enchilada Recipes the oceanographer. Van Buren chuckled. Dont look so startled. I rather envy anyone who can afford to turn scientific land o lakes pasta and zucchini recipes
into an expensive hobby. Im well acquainted with that African dinosaur legend. Fascinating, actually. The storys been floating around since the late eighteen hundreds: two tribes living Chicken Enchilada Recipes on opposite sides of Lake Bangweulu, never corning into contact with one another, yet telling identical tales of a beast that killed animals as free drink recipes
as hippos. They had a name for it: mokéle-mbęmbe. Not only did their descriptions of the monster tally but the descriptions Chicken Enchilada Recipes themselves were that of a horned dinosaur closely resembling the prehistoric triceratops. One expedition-not the Lefferts fellow, John-anyway, this one expedition never saw the creature but obtained some of its low calorie frozen drink recipes
droppings. They were analyzed in a laboratory and found to contain the remains of sizable Chicken Enchilada Recipes fish and lizards. The droppings were extremely large, of a size associated with those of a rhino or elephant-except that neither of those herbivorous animals eat fish or lizards.
Strange stuff for an oceanographer to get interested land o lakes pasta and zucchini recipes
Montague smiled. Not so strange. Mind you, I dont quite Chicken Enchilada Recipes believe it all, but there is compelling evidence that prehistoric creatures still exist in the oceans depths. Hawke nodded. The Loch Ness monster is supposed to be some kind of plesiosaur that survived millions of years after its supposed extinction. Now thats a cockamamie outback restaurant recipes
if ever I Chicken Enchilada Recipes heard one. Montague .
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