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So it continued to stand on the Potomac, a dark, hulking structure looking like some abandoned factory.
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The first thing he noticed as he got close was the Cyclone fence--- still shiny, topped with glistening razor wire. A fat padlock, showing no rust, secured the heavy chain around the front gates. The perimeter was Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes well lighted, the halogen lamps giving a winterlike glow to the deserted mexican nacho recipes
lot in front of the plant. Being used but not in use... Smith had come across buildings like this before. The army preferred the neglected, the abandoned, and the derelict, where it could give its Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes special squads the kind of training impossible to duplicate on military reservations. The Virginia Water and Power plant free venison recipes
that peculiar feel about it... used but not in use. Perfect for safe point Alpha. Smith circled almost the entire perimeter before he found a suitable entry point, where Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes the fence met the rivers edge. Climbing over slippery rocks, he made his way around the fence, then sprinted across a section of the monkfish crock pot recipes
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just couldnt see the spider .... Yet. Hugging the side of the building, Smith moved along Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes the face of the wall, searching for an entry point. Three stories above Smith, in the shadows of a broken window, Sergeant Patrick Drake watched Smith through night-vision binoculars. Hed picked him up as soon as Smith free venison recipes
climbed around the fence, the logical entry point. According Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes to the contents of the dossier Drake had read, Smith was nothing if not logical. It was an admirable quality in a soldier, but one that made him predictable. And in this case, fatally vulnerable. Drake had been flown to the plant by dog cookie recipes
Later on, a Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes car would be waiting for him when he finished his work. Getting here so quickly had allowed him to familiarize himself with the plants layout, choose the killing ground, and find a vantage point from which to observe Smiths entry. There he was, at the door Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes Drake had hoped he 4star crockpot recipes
find, testing it... opening it. Drake turned away from the window and crossed the barren room that had once housed pumping machinery. His crepe-soled shoes moved soundlessly along the dusty concrete floor. Slipping into the stairwell, he drew out his silenced Colt Woodsman. Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes The .22 was an assassins weapon, meant for close-range work. dog cookie recipes
wanted to see Smiths face before he shot him. Maybe the terror in his expression would help ease some of the pain Drake carried on account of the loss of his partner. Or maybe Ill gut-shoot Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes him first, so that he can feel what Travis went through. Two floors down, Drake paused in pink panther drink recipes
landing and carefully pulled back a door that opened on a second pump room. The moonlight coming through the tall windows bathed the pitted concrete floor in what could Land O Lakes Pasta And Zucchini Recipes have been a layer of ice. Moving swiftly from pillar to pillar, Drake positioned himself so that he had a clear view pink panther drink recipes
another door, still closed. Given where Smith had entered, this was the only entry point into th.
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