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Any more questions?
They resumed their seats and Hawke said, Ive got one.. The same question Ive asked you and Trevor before, and which you declined to answer until you determined the probable wreck site. Whats the sea bottom like in that area? I know the Recipes Grilling Fish topography of the ocean floor can easy baked beans recipes
as rugged as the Himalayas or your own Rockies, with mountains, valleys, canyons-
She stopped him. Thats the magic word. Canyon.
Jesus, Lefferts exclaimed. You mean shes at the bottom of some deep hole where she cant be reached? Maybe even Recipes Grilling Fish out of sight?
Its not as bad as you might think, Van Buren pampered chef recipes free
There is a submarine canyon in this general area. Oceanographers, in fact, refer to it as the Titanic Canyon, but actually this is a misnomer. Its more of a large trough or valley Recipes Grilling Fish running northeast to southwest, with a number of tributaries. The ship may be resting smack in the middle dry rub rib recipes
the trough or perhaps in one of its offshoots. The depth of the canyon, if you want to refer to the valley in more dramatic terminology, does Recipes Grilling Fish not concern me. But theres something else we havent discussed with anyone yet, simply because the possibility of its causing us difficulty is reasonably low carb cookie recipes
already knew-Debbi had mentioned it to him but not in particularly alarming terms-and he decided to let Trevor stay in his Recipes Grilling Fish unaccustomed spotlight. Van Buren continued, in the confident tones of a professor, In 1929, a major submarine earthquake occurred in the Grand Banks area off Newfoundland, about three hundred miles northwest dehydrator beef jerky recipes
where the Titanic sank. The quake was of such severe proportions that it snapped a Recipes Grilling Fish number of transatlantic cables and caused large mud slides. The potential exists that some of those mud slides may have reached the Titanics area and buried her, out of sight and untouchable even if she was free crock pot recipes
blurted, Well, now, aint that just dandy! I said this Recipes Grilling Fish was a remote possibility, Van Buren assured his audience. I doubt very much whether the mud slides triggered by the Grand Banks earthquake could have reached the wreck site. Furthermore, Debra and I have thoroughly researched seismographic records of submarine earthquake activity free crock pot recipes
the North Atlantic Recipes Grilling Fish in the years subsequent to the 1929 occurrence. There has been none of any significant proportions, so once again I reiterate its not likely that the ship is buried under mud. Thank God, muttered Lefferts. Hawke said, This brings us to the subject that I asked Derek Recipes Grilling Fish Montague to look into-the easy baked beans recipes
or probable condition of the Titanic herself. Derek? Montague started to unreel his string-bean frame from his chair, then decided to stay seated-mostly because Van Buren had delivered his remarks while standing and had unwittingly given the impression he was teaching a Recipes Grilling Fish class. It was one of Trevors idiosyncrasies that could be pampered chef recipes free
annoying and endearing. Montague said, To begin with, all I can offer is conjecture, based on eyewitness accounts of survivors who saw the Titanic go down. The trouble is that the accounts themselves are conflicting. He Recipes Grilling Fish picked up some notes he had made. Let me read a few examples. Heres one from a juicy hamburger recipes
member. Stern righted itself without the bow. In my estimation, she must have broken in half about abeam of the after funnel. But according to Second Officer Charles Lightoller, and Recipes Grilling Fish I quote this highly regarded and very experienced seama.