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Most of the wealth aboard was concentrated among several American millionaires who had paid up to two thousand dollars for first-class passage-the equivalent of well over ninety thousand by 1975 standards. Just thinking about their culinary luxuries made Montagues stomach churn with hunger, but he Quick Recipes With Hamburger willed himself to continue with his turkey meatball recipes
of the items amused him, for they bore no apparent relationship to the listed company. For example, there was the National City Bank of New York and its 11 bales rubber-what the bloody hell was a bank going to Quick Recipes With Hamburger do with eleven bales of rubber? Or American Motor Co. listed for restaurant recipes online
package candles. Montague also deduced, rather wryly, that the Titanics cargo hold contained enough alcoholic beverages to keep half the city of New York drunk for a week. He counted 719 cases of Quick Recipes With Hamburger wine, liquor, brandy, cognac, and champagne, plus three barrels of wine-not to mention four cases of opium, with turkey meatball recipes
shipper unlisted. On he read. Tiffany & Co. 1 case china, 4 cases silver goods Altman, B. & Co. 1 case cottons Sovereign Metals, Ltd. 34 cases nails, Quick Recipes With Hamburger screws and bolts Lazard Fréres 25 cases sardines First National Bank of Chicago 300 cases shelled walnuts Brown Bros & Co. 75 cases dragons beer can turkey recipes
chuckled. Sardines for Lazard Fréres, a prestigious investment firm? And a Chicago bank with what must be a years supply of Quick Recipes With Hamburger shelled walnuts! He wondered momentarily what the devil constituted seventy-five cases of dragons blood, until he remembered that the term applied to a number of resinous red substances obtained from turkey meatball recipes
tropical plants and trees; they were used for coloring varnishes and also in photoengraving. He Quick Recipes With Hamburger had just started to read the next manifest item-318 bags of potatoes shipped by J. P. Sauers & Co.-when something clicked in his mind: Sovereign Metals, Ltd., 34 cases nails, screws and bolts. There was something tantalizingly familiar beer can turkey recipes
the firms name, also something deucedly familiar about the Quick Recipes With Hamburger cargo it was shipping. Somewhere, sometime, he had seen both before, and not under favorable circumstances. It was like trying to recall a vague picture or face from the past-frustrating because he was so close to recognition. Then he remembered. Well Ill be damned! gluten free bread machine recipes
blurted, more loudly Quick Recipes With Hamburger than he intended. Two other museum visitors gave him disapproving stares, but Montague didnt even notice. He marched into the office of the museum curator, a friendly butterball of a man he had come to know well from his frequent visits. Josh, Ive been looking at Quick Recipes With Hamburger the Titanics cargo manifest. gluten free bread machine recipes
you happen to have any copies of the waybill numbers from the shipments, or know where I might obtain them? The curator seemed mildly offended that Montague would suggest looking elsewhere. Derek, we have everything pertaining to that ship right here in Quick Recipes With Hamburger this museum, including those waybill numbers, Im surprised you even soft oatmeal cookie recipes
Lets see ... well, Id better help you find them myself. I think I know where they have been filed. ...
In less than five minutes, he handed Montague a thick, rather dusty folder that obviously Quick Recipes With Hamburger hadnt been opened since its original deposit in an out-of-the-way filing cabinet. It took Montague a beer can turkey recipes
two hours before he found the Sovereign Metals waybill for thirty-four cases of nails, screws and bolts. The first thing that struck his eye was the listed weight: 9,850 Quick Recipes With Hamburger pounds. Not .
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