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The weather was perfect and the voyage silk-smooth, thanks not only to the gentleness of the Atlantics swells but to the fact that Lefferts had installed liner-type stabilizers on the old minelayer. The atmosphere was that of a pleasure cruise, not an expedition; the sight Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken of Craig Caitin jogging on the ice cream dessert recipes
every morning, Montague sniffing the sea breezes, and Chaneys daily sunbath on the fantail-they all might as well have been carefree tourists. Not John Hawke. Lefferts told me this bloody scow could do eighteen knots, he complained to Captain Robertson. Weve Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken been averaging ten. The skipper shifted the ever-present corncob from one side of restaurant fried catfish recipes
mouth to the other. Shed do eighteen knots easy before she had to carry all the weight youve added-winches, cranes, and damn near eleven miles of steel cable, he said placidly. Not to Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken mention those two subs; youre lucky shes making ten knots. Anyway, I thought the British were a patient pork pressure cooker recipes
grinned. Its impossible to be patient when youre crawling at ten knots toward a thirty-million-dollar pot of gold. Robertson said seriously, John, if I ask these engines for Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken any more speed, were going to break down considerably short of that pot. The head temps already are running higher than Id like. Were ice cream dessert recipes
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everyone except me seems to be having a jolly good time. Theyre sure as hell eating Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken well, Robertson observed. That they were, thanks to Martin Leffertss proclivity for seagoing luxury. He had brought along-over his wifes objections-the family cook, which in itself was something of a misnomer. Charles LeBaron could more properly be restaurant fried catfish recipes
a chef, the kind of culinary wizard who could Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken work magic with the simplest ingredients. LeBaron was pencil-thin, in his early fifties, and looked as if he never ate anyones cooking, including his own. He came aboard the Henry Morgan five days before they sailed; up to then, they had sampled crockpot recipes bread pudding
every restaurant in Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken Bayonne. I hired him right off a French cruise line, Lefferts explained after the first dinner at sea drew raves-a succulent beef Wellington. He thinks Im a savage because Im strictly a meat-and-potatoes man, but hell fix anything I ask. The guy knows herbs and spices Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken like Dow knows chemicals. Hawke ice cream dessert recipes
with interest that Lefferts insisted on the crew being served the same meals as everyone else, although they had their own, dining quarters. Only Captain Robertson ate with the key expedition members, and sometimes he preferred to join the crew, usually Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken at breakfast. There was only one other officer aboard, a pudgy, top secret recipes free
recent graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy named Paul Crippens. Ostensibly, he was second-in-command; on a naval vessel his role would have been that of the executive officer, or the first mate on a Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken civilian freighter. In either case, he would have served as the captains link to the crew, ice cream dessert recipes
his orders and rules, at the same time being the mens conduit to the captain. On the Henry Morgan, he was neither. Crippens was an excellent ship handler, almost as Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken good as Robertson himself, but he was unusually shy and nervous. This was his first post-graduation job, and he was in awe crockpot recipes bread pudding
Lefferts. He ate in the main dining room, at Martins invitation, exactly once, but he hardly spoke a word and was so ill Pressure Cooker Recipes For Chicken at ease that Robertson suggested privately to Lefferts, I think Pauld rather eat with the crew from now .
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