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Over the last three years, Bauer-Zermatt made a total of ten deposits into Berias account, two of the last three just before the Russian guard and Treloar were eliminated.
What about the third one? Klein demanded.
That was for the contract on me.
After a moments silence, Klein Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes said, Do you have proof?
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were moving a piece in for checkmate, Smith pulled out a floppy disk. Proof positive.
Klein shook his head. All right. Bauer-Zermatt is--- was--- paying Beria for assassinations. These included the Russian guard and Treloar. That links Bauer-Zermatt to the Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes stolen smallpox. But there are two questions: why would Bauer-Zermatt want the diabetic cookie recipes
And who at the company authorized the hits and the payments? He pointed to the disk. Is there a name? No name, Smith replied. But its not hard to guess, is it? Only one Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes man could have authorized the use of someone like Beria: Karl Bauer himself. Kleins breath whistled through his nostrils. hiking hot drink recipes
But finding Bauers fingerprints on the authorization to use Beria, or on the payments themselves, thats another matter. They wont exist, Smith said flatly. Bauers much too careful Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes to leave such an obvious trail. He paused. But why would he want the smallpox to begin with? To make a vaccine? No. We zucchini casserole recipes
already do that. To play with it? Tweak it genetically? Maybe. But why? Smallpox has been studied for years. It cant Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes be used as a battlefield weapon. The incubation period is too long. The effects are not a hundred percent predictable. So why would Bauer still want a sample? Want it easy italian and recipes
badly that he would murder for it? He looked at Klein. Do you know how people Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes die from smallpox? The first symptoms are a rash on the roof of the mouth, which then spreads to the face and forearms, then to the rest of the body. The pustules erupt, scabs form, erupt zucchini casserole recipes
Eventually, theres bleeding from the orifices.... Klein stared at him. Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes Just like the shuttle crew! he whispered. They died the way smallpox victims do! Are you saying Bauer got the stolen smallpox onboard Discovery? Smith rose and tried to dispel the image of Megan, how she had died, her last, terrible moments. Yes. diabetic cookie recipes
what Im saying.
In Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes space--- in microgravity--- you can reengineer cells, bacteria, virtually anything in a way that cant be done on earth. He paused. We wiped smallpox off the planet but we kept two sets of samples--- one here, one in Russia. Ostensibly, we did this because we Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes could not bring ourselves diabetic cookie recipes
eradicate a species into extinction. The truth is darker than that: we never knew when we might need it. Maybe years from now we would find a way to convert it into a weapon. Or if someone else did, wed have Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Machine Recipes enough material with which to produce a vaccine--- hopefully. Bauer didnt easy italian and recipes
to wait years. Somehow he discovered a process he thought would work. Maybe he .
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