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The towing process was laborious, for every foot of the ocean floor in each grid pattern had to be searched. Robertson likened the process to mowing a huge lawn. There had been several visual false alarms, each showing a large mass below them and each Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes setting off temporary excitement that died lemon cake mix cookie recipes
the acoustic returns and the magnetic anomaly readings were negative for metallic objects.. All they continued to hear were the pings. Van Buren was the only one who remained unperturbed by the successive disappointments. Its a perfectly natural phenomenon, he Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes explained calmly. Were over that long submarine canyon with God knows how crockpot chicken stew recipes
tributaries. There are all sorts of subterranean ridges, hills, and valleys and any one of them can give us a false sonar image. Sonar cannot really distinguish between an undersea hill and a Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes ship in terrain like this. You have to be patient. Maybe were moving too fast, Hawke said to Robertson. The thanksgiving turkey leftovers recipes
shrugged. Shes doing only three knots, John. Thats a knot slower than we tried yesterday. He paused, sneaking a cautious glance in the direction of the two Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes oceanographers, as if he was hesitant to challenge their calculations. Trevor and Debbi, mind if I make a suggestion? Feel free, Van Buren said. I think crockpot chicken stew recipes
should swing south a bit, maybe a couple of miles beyond the perimeter where we started this grid pattern, and do Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes another grid search below that point. Trevor nodded thoughtfully, but Chaney said rather tartly, Jerry, we didnt use Kentucky windage to establish this search area. Computers dont make mistakes on the slow cooker beef recipes
of a couple of miles. They can be wrong if the data theyre fed is wrong, Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes the captain reminded her. And it wouldnt take much of an error to throw you way off. One square mile of ocean is the equivalent of almost seven hundred acres, which is a hell of a secret restaurant recipes
of real estate. What wrong data? she asked indignantly. All Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes factors were taken into consideration, including currents and- Robertson interrupted, Current may be your problem, from the way the array is streaming. I have a hunch its running stronger than you figured. Thats a mighty small hunk of tin down there in a crock pot pork tenderloin recipes
big ocean. Only Oatmeal Cookie Bar Recipes the Lord himself knows where that ship really is. I still say lets try farther south. The only sound in the room was the soft, intermittent pinging of the sonar.
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