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Id also like to remind everyone that Dr. Reed has specifically requested that Dr. Karl Bauer be present at the landing facility. I believe that to be a sound suggestion. Dr. Bauer is a world authority on chemical-biological incidents. In the past, he has worked Mexican Dip Recipes closely with the Pentagon--- including the good cookie recipes
Lake project--- and maintains a top-secret clearance. He would be invaluable as an observer and adviser.
There were murmurs of agreement around the table.
Then were adjourned, the president said. Air Force One leaves for Nevada in two hours.
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boarded his jet and winged east to his companys sprawling complex near the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Knowing that the shuttle could land only at the Groome Lake flight-test facility, Bauer had Mexican Dip Recipes been careful to make his presence in California seem like a coincidence. The flight plan from Hawaii had good cookie recipes
filed three days earlier; the staff in Pasadena had been told to expect him. It was in his office, the windows overlooking the distant San Gabriel Mountains, that Mexican Dip Recipes Bauer received his first call from Harry Landon. He professed total shock, then deep concern, when the mission director explained the nature of the kelseys restaurant recipes
that had overtaken Discovery. He couldnt help but smile when Landon told him that Reed had specifically asked for him to Mexican Dip Recipes be present at Groome Lake. Bauer replied that, of course, he would make himself available. He suggested that Landon contact General Richardson to confirm authorization for his presence. Then the flight free beef jerky recipes
his voice breaking, told Bauer that Richardson and Price had been killed when the car Mexican Dip Recipes they were in spun out of control. Bauers shock was genuine. Thanking Landon, he immediately got on and devoured the details. From all counts, Richardson and Prices deaths were just that--- an accident. Which means that kosher thanksgiving recipes
are two less witnesses. Good. As far as Bauer was Mexican Dip Recipes concerned, both men had served their purpose. They had been especially helpful in removing that meddlesome Smith. What remained to be done Bauer could accomplish by himself. Although he was far away from his principal facility in Hawaii, Bauer still had the resources kelseys restaurant recipes
listen in on Mexican Dip Recipes the NASA-Discovery transmissions. Built into his desk was a small but powerful communications console that was hooked up to his laptop computer. The screen displayed the shuttles current range and trajectory; over the headset, Bauer heard real-time exchanges between Discovery and mission control. NASA was Mexican Dip Recipes following the exact game free beef jerky recipes
hed predicted. Checking the time, he thought that, barring complications, the orbiter would reenter the earths atmosphere in a little over four hours from now. Bauer slipped off the headset, closed the laptop, and shut down the console. In a few hours, Mexican Dip Recipes he would be in possession of a brand-new life form, free beef jerky recipes
entity he had created and which, if ever released, would be the most fearful scourge ever to stalk the earth. The thought left him giddy. That no one--- at least for a very long time--- Mexican Dip Recipes would associate him with the new virus was a matter of indifference. Bauers mindset was that webkinz secret recipes solved
an art collector who bought a masterpiece only to hide it away from the world. The joy, the thrill, the intoxication flowed not from the works monetary value but Mexican Dip Recipes from the fact that it was unique and that it was his. Like the collector, Bauer would be the only one who free beef jerky recipes
gaze upon the new variola, test it, probe its secrets. And he alrea.