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Was it a combination of collision and explosion damage that had doomed the liner? Montague didnt really believe this, either. That collision had been the classic example of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object-46,000 tons of metal racing at more than twenty knots smashing Low Calorie Cookie Recipes into a frozen meat cleaver. It slow cooker recipes spicy
the irresistible force that had lost the battle. If only it were possible to find the damned ship, he thought. Such a discovery might solve so many riddles of the Titanic tragedy, answer so many questions. He had always fantasized Low Calorie Cookie Recipes about being on an expedition that located the liner-a foolish fantasy, he free pet recipes
because what would a retired cryptoanalyst be doing on such an expedition? Someday, somehow, however, oceanographers like his closest friend, Trevor Van Buren, might make fantasy a reality and separate all the fiction Low Calorie Cookie Recipes from fact. Fiction always mixed with fact on the subject of the Titanic, and he found the latter just italian flatbread pizza recipes
interesting as the unfounded rumors that spawned fiction. There were plenty of facts to excite the imagination without interjecting phony what ifs into the story. There were Low Calorie Cookie Recipes many little-known facts, such as the ships fourth stack being a dummy, strictly window dressing, because passengers of that era equated speed and power zucchini cookie recipes
the number of funnels a liner carried. The Titanic would have been just as fast with its three legitimate working funnels, Low Calorie Cookie Recipes or even two, but White Star wouldnt have been caught dead admitting it. Ironically, the line emphasized comfort, not speed. Contrary to accusations made after the tragedy, the Titanic was crockpot pinto bean recipes
trying for a speed record on her maiden voyage. The company loved to spew out numbers, Low Calorie Cookie Recipes anyway-to impress the public with the new ships size. It was proudly emphasized that she was longer than the then-highest skyscraper in the world-New Yorks Woolworth Building. Advance publicity included photographs of the Woolworth Building with slow cooker recipes spicy
Titanic superimposed alongside, standing on one end so that Low Calorie Cookie Recipes the bow loomed over the top of the skyscraper. The publicized statistics prior to the maiden voyage stressed not only the luxury of this floating city but what was involved in her provisioning. The two thousand passengers would be enjoying forty-three tons free pet recipes
meat and fish, Low Calorie Cookie Recipes not to mention two thousand quarts of ice cream, fifteen hundred bottles of champagne, and three thousand cigars. The second-class dinner menu-second class, Montague remembered-offered a choice of four entrées (haddock, curried chicken, spring lamb, and roast turkey.
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