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They might recall his conservative and somewhat rumpled suits, perhaps the way he would smile briefly when passed in the hall. They might have heard that Klein was sometimes called before the joint chiefs or a congressional committee. But that would be in keeping with Just Crockpot Recipes his seniority. They might also know easy desserts recipes
he was vested with the responsibility of checking the properties the Pentagon leased or had an interest in throughout the world. That would account for the fact that one seldom saw him at all. In fact it was sometimes Just Crockpot Recipes difficult to say who or what Nathaniel Klein really was.
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the evening, Klein was still behind his desk in the modest office that was identical to all the others in the wing. He had added a few personal touches: framed prints depicting the Just Crockpot Recipes world as imagined by sixteenth-century cartographers; an old-fashioned pedestal-mounted globe; and a large, framed photograph of the earth dinner recipes using ground turkey breast
from the space shuttle. Although very few people were aware of it, Kleins affinity for things global was a direct reflection of his real mandate: to serve as Just Crockpot Recipes the eyes and ears of the president. From this nondescript office Klein ran a loosely knit organization known as Covert-One. Conceived by the president mexican dessert recipes
the horror known as the Hades Project, Covert-One was designed to be the chief executives early warning system and secret response Just Crockpot Recipes option. Because Covert-One worked outside the usual military-intelligence bureaucracy and well away from the scrutiny of Congress, it had no formal organization or headquarters. Instead of accredited operatives, Klein recruited men recipes for elk hamburger
women whom he called mobile ciphers--- individuals who were acknowledged experts in their fields yet Just Crockpot Recipes who, through circumstances or dispositions, found themselves outside the mainstream of society. Most--- but certainly not all--- had some military background, were holders of numerous citations and awards, but had chafed under structured command, and so soft oatmeal cookie recipes
elected to leave their respective services. Others came from Just Crockpot Recipes the civilian world: former investigators--- state and federal; linguists who were fluent in a dozen languages; doctors who had traveled the world and were accustomed to the harshest conditions. The very best, like Colonel Jon Smith, bridged the two worlds. They also possessed easy australian recipes
factor that disqualified Just Crockpot Recipes so many Klein looked at: their lives were strictly their own. They had little or no family, few encumbrances, and a professional reputation that would stand up to the closest scrutiny. These were invaluable assets for an individual sent in harms way thousands of miles Just Crockpot Recipes from home. Klein closed the easy australian recipes
on the report he had been reading, removed his glasses, and rubbed his weary eyes. He wa.