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 Hamburger Making Recipes Such a discovery might solve so many riddles of the Titanic tragedy, answer so many questions. He had always fantasized about being on an expedition that located the liner-a foolish fantasy, he realized, because what would a retired cryptoanalyst be doing on such an expedition? Hamburger Making Recipes Someday, somehow, however, oceanographers like his free cold pasta salad recipes

friend, Trevor Van Buren, might make fantasy a reality and separate all the fiction from fact. Fiction always mixed with fact on the subject of the Titanic, and he found the latter just as interesting as the unfounded rumors that Hamburger Making Recipes spawned fiction. There were plenty of facts to excite the imagination without tandoori chicken recipes

phony what ifs into the story. There were many little-known facts, such as the ships fourth stack being a dummy, strictly window dressing, because passengers of that era equated speed and power with Hamburger Making Recipes the number of funnels a liner carried. The Titanic would have been just as fast with its three ground turkey meat recipes

working funnels, or even two, but White Star wouldnt have been caught dead admitting it. Ironically, the line emphasized comfort, not speed. Contrary to accusations made after Hamburger Making Recipes the tragedy, the Titanic was not trying for a speed record on her maiden voyage. The company loved to spew out numbers, anyway-to impress the ground turkey meat recipes

with the new ships size. It was proudly emphasized that she was longer than the then-highest skyscraper in the world-New Yorks Hamburger Making Recipes Woolworth Building. Advance publicity included photographs of the Woolworth Building with the Titanic superimposed alongside, standing on one end so that the bow loomed over the top of the skyscraper. ground turkey meat recipes

publicized statistics prior to the maiden voyage stressed not only the luxury of this floating Hamburger Making Recipes city but what was involved in her provisioning. The two thousand passengers would be enjoying forty-three tons of meat and fish, not to mention two thousand quarts of ice cream, fifteen hundred bottles of champagne, and ground turkey meat recipes

thousand cigars. The second-class dinner menu-second class, Montague remembered-offered Hamburger Making Recipes a choice of four entrées (haddock, curried chicken, spring lamb, and roast turkey). The first-class buffet-luncheon cuisine would have made the chef at Claridges envious; there were thirteen meat, fish, and fowl selections on the Irish linen-covered serving table, plus salad staples juicy hamburger recipes

eight kinds of Hamburger Making Recipes cheese. They ate well on the Titanic, Montague thought enviously, but deservedly so. Most of the wealth aboard was concentrated among several American millionaires who had paid up to two thousand dollars for first-class passage-the equivalent of well over ninety thousand by 1975 standards. Just thinking Hamburger Making Recipes about their culinary luxuries easy australian recipes

Montagues stomach churn with hunger, but he willed himself to continue with his task. Some of the items amused him, for they bore no apparent relationship to the listed company. For example, there was the National City Bank of New York and Hamburger Making Recipes its 11 bales rubber-what the bloody hell was a bank slow cooker pork roast recipes

to do with eleven bales of rubber? Or American Motor Co. listed for 1 package candles. Montague also deduced, rather wryly, that the Titanics cargo hold contained enough alcoholic beverages to keep half the city Hamburger Making Recipes of New York drunk for a week. He counted 719 cases of wine, liquor, brandy, cognac, tandoori chicken recipes

champagne, plus three barrels of wine-not to mention four cases of opium, with the shipper unlisted. On he read. Tiffany & Co.                                        1 case china, 4 cases silver goods Altman, B. Hamburger Making Recipes & Co.                                  1 case cottons Sovereign Metals, Ltd.                        34 cases nails, screws and bolts Lazard Fréres                                        25 cases sardines First National Bank  Hamburger Making Recipesslow cooker pork roast recipes

Chicago          300 cases shelled walnuts Brown Bros & Co.                                75 cases dragons blood Montague chuckled. Sardi.

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