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Thats the way it was with the Kowloon sidewalks; people coursed through the maze of streets.
The telling feature of Hong Kong, though, were the signs that stuck out above the sidewalks and extended above the streets. Salvant couldnt remember seeing anything exactly like them in Hamburger Goulash Recipes his travels. If it were true chicken pot pie recipes
males provide as females consume, he supposed that a woman might find the signs somehow charming. The signs advertised camera shops, luggage shops, tailors, brand-name ready-mades, stereo shops, jewelry shops, perfume shops, shops selling copies of Paris originals, eyeglass shops, Hamburger Goulash Recipes and restaurants. There was apparently no limit on the size, color, or bartender drink recipes
of these signs. This was competition with no holds barred. Some signs were higher, some lower; some stuck out further. No matter how large a sign, Salvant found it was inevitably made more Hamburger Goulash Recipes interesting, if uglier, by signs peering over its top, beneath its bottom, and farmer out over the street.
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of all this frenzied competition was that the streets became tunnels of capitalism, covered by a canopy of garish plastic and blinking and jiggling, crying: cheaper, better, Hamburger Goulash Recipes more, faster, sale, sale, sale, cheaper, cheaper, deal, deal, deal, cheaper, cheaper, sale, sale. The signs were so close together-and the canopy so enclosed-that bartender drink recipes
had to adjust their 35mm cameras to let in light among the competing claims. There was more light in a tropical Hamburger Goulash Recipes rain forest. These shops-there were literally thousands of them-honeycombed the ground level for blocks upon blocks. Lucien Salvant had never imagined anything this repetitive and ultimately awful, lacking any redeeming aesthetic. All bartender drink recipes
all, Kowloon reminded him of an immense hive, the chief goal of its residents being Hamburger Goulash Recipes the pursuit of Hong Kong dollars. Salvant didnt expect to find leisurely cafes and there werent any. The dazzling towers on Hong Kong island offered no respite from greed or prospect of agreeable companionship. Salvant was hungry crockpot bean recipes
so went into a small Chinese restaurant, where, it Hamburger Goulash Recipes turned out nobody spoke English. Rather than embarrass himself by leaving, he decided to stick it out. This was Hong Kong and this was where he was to live. At his adult life Salvant had had to study menus, balancing promise and zucchini soup recipes
Now, being an Hamburger Goulash Recipes ostensible millionaire, he decided to hell with it. Hed order what he wanted; price was no object. By various gestures and exhortions he ordered an expensive plate of what he thought would be a steamed fish. He was served awful strips of something, presumably pork Hamburger Goulash Recipes and possibly entrails of electric bread machine recipes
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was sad, and lonely, and anxious, and a little afraid as he walked back to the plush, barren cell that awaited him in the New World Center. He found it difficult to walk leisurely, although Hamburger Goulash Recipes thats what he would have preferred. He felt as though people on the sidewalks were speed bisquick sweet potato biscuit recipes
walking quickly, carrying him with them, gweilo jetsam washed up on the yellow tide. Salvant hoped his permanent quarters would be more civilized. If he had a place with a Hamburger Goulash Recipes wooden floor, then he could kick back and read and maybe write a little if he was in a mood. He liked zucchini soup recipes
comforting f.
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