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 Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes Actually, the Titanic was a part of that tradition, as far as Montague was concerned-a magnificent example of British engineering genius applied to civilian ship design and construction, just as that same genius had produced the worlds first dreadnought. Never mind that the liners design was Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes seriously flawed in several respects. She italian bread recipes

not as sturdy as the older Cunard twins, Mauretania and Lusitania. For that matter, she was even structurally inferior to a passenger ship built in 1858: naval architect Isambard Bruneis Great Eastern, which really was virtually unsinkable. The Great Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes Eastern, a clumsy monstrosity only one hundred feet shorter than the Titanic, chuck roast slow cooker recipes

a double hull compared to the latters single-layer one. Bruneis creation also had longitudinal as well as transverse bulkheads, providing a honeycomb structure of enormous strength. Her transverse bulkheads reached thirty feet above Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes the waterline; the Titanics only ten feet. The Great Eastern had once struck a hidden shoal, tearing a chuck roast slow cooker recipes

in her outer hull eighty-three feet long and nine feet deep, yet she reached New York under her own power. Taking her lesser length into consideration, the Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes damage was as extensive as that suffered by the Titanic. Titanic lovers like Montague never dwelled on the ships technical inadequacies, however. Human errors, overconfidence, free authentic mexican recipes

assumptions and plain carelessness had doomed her-mistakes by men who knew the supposed unsinkable label was pure hyperbole. Only sixteen lifeboats Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes and four collapsibles for more than two thousand passengers and crew, no binoculars for the lookouts, indifference to a plethora of ice warnings, excessive speed into a known berg area-these crockpot recipes for whole chickens

human flaws, not ship flaws. In fact, there were some experts who defended the vessels construction. Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes Yes, the bulkheads were too low, but those same fifteen bulkheads, dividing the hull into sixteen watertight compartments, had kept a mortally wounded ship afloat for nearly three hours and allowed the Titanic to maintain an mcdonalds sugar cookie recipes

even keel until the very end, thus making it Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes easier to launch the lifeboats. Her owners were the ones who decided only sixteen lifeboats were needed on a liner designed to carry as many as sixty-four, and had even ruled against using thirty-two. Sixteen seemed adequate for a ship that couldnt easy peach pie recipes

the mistakes and Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes jaunty arrogance of that Edwardian era were part of the Titanic mystique, all woven into the fascinating mosaic that formed the Titanic legend, a legend born with her very death throes. Almost from the moment she sank, there had been talk of locating the wreck Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes and recovering the fortune turkey chops recipes

diamonds and other gems that reportedly went down with the ship. In the same year of the disaster, several wealthy American families, including the Guggenheims, Astors, and Wideners, had asked the prestigious salvage firm of Merritt and Chapman to find and Fresh Blueberry Pie Recipes raise the Titanic-a project that quickly died when the company dinner recipes using ground turkey breast

the backers that in 1912, no search-and-salvage equipment was remotely capable of accomplishing this feat. Montague himself was totally scornful of the treasures reputed to be aboard t.

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