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There is one thing I can say for sure: Harry Landon does not believe that theres even a consideration of destroying the shuttle. Therefore, neither he nor anyone from NASA can be permitted into our discussions. Having said that, and since youve all had a Free Jambalaya Recipes chance to examine the facts as ground beef crock pot recipes
know them, we need to take a preliminary vote. Bill, well start with you: salvage or abort?
As the president steepled his fingers, Bill Dodge spoke up.
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Richardson shared that responsibility. Now weve anticipated that at some point in time, a biological incident--- if thats what occurred--- might take place onboard a manned or Free Jambalaya Recipes unmanned flight. We looked specifically at the shuttle and engineered a special facility for just such a contingency. And where would this facility be? Gerald low carb zucchini recipes
asked. At our flight-testing range at Groome Lake, sixty miles northeast of Las Vegas. What are we talking about exactly? the president asked. Dodge Free Jambalaya Recipes produced a videocassette from his briefcase. Its best you all see for yourselves. He inserted the tape into the VCR below the high-definition television monitor and pressed the play button. After sugar free cookie recipes
flurry of snow, an image of the desert came into sharp focus. Doesnt look like much Free Jambalaya Recipes of anything, the national security adviser commented. Intentionally so, Dodge replied. We borrowed the idea from the Israelis. Given its terrain, Israel has few places to hide its strike aircraft. So they built a series of underground outback restaurant recipes
with runways that dont look like runways--- and have Free Jambalaya Recipes a unique feature. On the screen, what appeared to be desert floor began to tilt down at a gradually increasing angle. Dodge froze the frame. This is where the runway appears to end. But underneath is a system of hydraulic jacks. The runway actually chicken breast recipes bone in
for another six Free Jambalaya Recipes hundred yards as it slopes into an underground bunker. The camera followed the dip in the runway. On either side, a string of lights came on. As the camera descended the ramp, a huge, concrete-lined bunker appeared out of the gloom. This is the containment chamber, Dodge Free Jambalaya Recipes explained. The walls are pressure cooker recipes
concrete, six feet thick. The air circulation is HEPA filtered, just like at the CDC hot zone labs. Once the shuttle is inside, the facility is sealed. A special team would be waiting for Dr. Reed when he comes out and would Free Jambalaya Recipes take him into a decontamination chamber. Another team takes samples outback restaurant recipes