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It was an exceptionally clear night with many visible stars, ideal conditions for celestial navigation.
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reminded her, also used dead reckoning. He estimated the distance the Titanic traveled between the last navigational fix at sunset and where the ship came to a stop after the collision, deriving that Filipino Food Recipes Breakfast distance from her speed and direction. Chaney nodded. Precisely my point. Dead reckoning in his case wasnt a very free drink recipes
cross-check of a celestial fix, because it failed to include the crucial factor of ocean currents. Ill concede you cant blame Boxhall for not taking currents into Filipino Food Recipes Breakfast consideration; in 1912, oceanography as a science wasnt out of its diapers yet. Do you know why there are a lot of knowledgeable people free drink recipes
are convinced the Titanics last established position may have been several miles off? Hawke remembered a point Montague had brought up. Something Filipino Food Recipes Breakfast concerning the Carpathia; she reached the Titanics lifeboats earlier than expected. Well, thats technically correct, but its not the whole story. The Carpathia was coming from the southeast, heading for the chicken caesar salad recipes
the Titanic had given Captain Rostron. But when he arrived at the position, there was Filipino Food Recipes Breakfast no sign of the Titanic ... no debris whatsoever, absolutely no indication that a giant ship had gone down at that spot. But it was there that the Carpathia began picking up the lifeboats that had quick easy chicken recipes
rowing toward her for almost two hours. The only Filipino Food Recipes Breakfast explanation is that the lifeboats started from a position other than the one Boxhall gave. Given the location of the rescue and the direction from which the Carpathia was approaching, its my opinion that the Titanic actually sank about five miles away, quick easy chicken recipes
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I can just hear what theyll- Hawke halted her enthusiasm in midair. You may ask for your leave of absence, of course, but you will not say one word about Filipino Food Recipes Breakfast th.
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