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They had a name for it: mokéle-mbęmbe. Not only did their descriptions of the monster tally but the descriptions themselves were that of a horned dinosaur closely resembling the prehistoric triceratops. One expedition-not the Lefferts fellow, John-anyway, this one expedition never saw the creature but Dry Rub Recipes For Chicken Wings obtained some of its purported droppings. chicken pot pie recipes
were analyzed in a laboratory and found to contain the remains of sizable fish and lizards. The droppings were extremely large, of a size associated with those of a rhino or elephant-except that neither of those herbivorous animals eat Dry Rub Recipes For Chicken Wings fish or lizards. Strange stuff for an oceanographer to get interested in. Montague filipino food recipes
so strange. Mind you, I dont quite believe it all, but there is compelling evidence that prehistoric creatures still exist in the oceans depths. Hawke nodded. The Loch Ness monster is supposed to be Dry Rub Recipes For Chicken Wings some kind of plesiosaur that survived millions of years after its supposed extinction. Now thats a cockamamie fable if drink recipes that hide the taste of alcohol
I heard one. Montague chortled. Van Buren said soberly, No, its not as cockamamie as you think. Not too many years ago, a Japanese fishing vessel hauled up Dry Rub Recipes For Chicken Wings the carcass of a huge creature, obviously reptilian. The remains began to rot and they had to throw the carcass back into the sea. filipino food recipes
they took photographs of it. When the pictures were developed, they showed a beast remarkably similar to the Mesozoic plesiosaur. And Dry Rub Recipes For Chicken Wings the Mesozoic Period, incidentally, dates back one hundred and fifty million years. As recently as the nineteen fifties, a species of fish supposedly extinct for at least fifty million years chicken pot pie recipes
caught alive in the Atlantic. An amazing discovery, believe me. Makes one wonder whether those Dry Rub Recipes For Chicken Wings old sea-serpent tales might not be more fact than fiction.
His companions exchanged glances. This was an unexpected side of Trevor Van Buren, an almost stuffy, precise little man who tried to compensate for his lack of healthy crock pot recipes
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continued in his Dry Rub Recipes For Chicken Wings soft, almost hypnotic voice, as if he was talking to himself. ... you know, finding and exploring the Titanic would be an incredible achievement in itself. But there could be even greater scientific rewards. Who knows what kinds of creatures inhabit those depths? It.
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