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tell him. He punched a button on his intercom. Yes, Dr. Gillespie? Mary, call Delta and get me on the first available flight to Washington tomorrow morning. And then call Admiral Cornell. Having crossed this Rubicon, he felt a little better. Until he Crock Pot Meals Recipes made the mistake of rereading the letter once more. Like so many Englishmen, mexican rice recipes

Montague was a great respecter of history and tradition. In fact, he mentally capitalized both words and considered History and Tradition practically a synonymous, semantic blood brothers, as it were. Which was why he Crock Pot Meals Recipes didnt resent the chore Peter Groton had asked him to perform. Groton was one of those journalists who great dessert recipes

their newspaper careers as staging areas for literary invasions-in other words, Peter wanted to write a book. He also believed fervently in a philosophy expounded by a Crock Pot Meals Recipes certain contingent of the Fourth Estate: Sensationalism sells better than dull facts, so dont let them get in the way of your story. Theres nothing halloween dessert recipes

new about the Titanic, a publisher had told Groton. Wed be interested only if you could uncover some unknown information ... Crock Pot Meals Recipes or perhaps develop a provocative theory on why she sank. It hit an iceberg, Groton had protested. What the hell theory could I develop ... that the iceberg hit the ship? You smoking beef brisket recipes

have to prove a new theory, Mr. Groton. Just offer it in a logical, persuasive Crock Pot Meals Recipes manner that sounds scientifically plausible. Or, even better, gear your research toward a mystery angle, such as the possibility that if anyone could get to the wreck, they might find a fortune in valuable jewels. There drink of spain recipes

been such rumors, yknow. That what was lost in Crock Pot Meals Recipes the Titanic may have been worth more than the ship herself. That had prompted Peter Groton, who enjoyed seeing his own byline but hated the ditch-digging aspects of research, to ask a favor of his old Oxford schoolmate. He knew that Montague, a  Crock Pot Meals Recipesdrink of spain recipes

and retired, had Crock Pot Meals Recipes plenty of time on his hands. Im sure that with your background, you might unearth something Id never recognize as significant, Groton had enthused. Come on, Derek, remember the fuss made about the supposed contraband cargo on the Lusitania? Peter, that was in wartime. The Titanic went Crock Pot Meals Recipes down in 1912. There smoking beef brisket recipes

isnt anything more startling in that cargo manifest than a crate of cheap wine disguised with fancy French labels. Besides, I cant do it right now. Im off tomorrow for a weeks holiday. But Groton had pressed and pleaded. Ill wait til Crock Pot Meals Recipes you return. And I desperately need something I can turn halloween dessert recipes

an intriguing mystery. Maybe the ship was carrying illegal dynamite that went off via spontaneous combustion. His eyes lit up with inspiration. Or the dynamite could have ignited with the iceberg impact and thats what Crock Pot Meals Recipes really sank the- Montague had interrupted wearily: All right, Peter, Ill do your bloody research for you. toastmaster bread machine recipes

dont expect miracles. Ill phone when I get back. He hadnt bothered telling Groton that he welcomed the chance to visit the Southampton Maritime Museum again. Its official name was Crock Pot Meals Recipes Wool House, for it had been built in the fourteenth century as a warehouse to hold freshly sheared wool before it was mexican rice recipes

elsewhere. Montague loved the old building with its Spanish chestnut roof and huge, sturdy interior beams. Now, as he sat in the section Crock Pot Meals Recipes devoted to Titanic lore, he cou.

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