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Almost from the moment she sank, there had been talk of locating the wreck and recovering the fortune in diamonds and other gems that reportedly went down with the ship. In the same year of the disaster, several wealthy American families, including the Guggenheims, Astors, Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes and Wideners, had asked the prestigious chocolate chip zucchini bread recipes
firm of Merritt and Chapman to find and raise the Titanic-a project that quickly died when the company informed the backers that in 1912, no search-and-salvage equipment was remotely capable of accomplishing this feat. Montague himself was totally scornful of Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes the treasures reputed to be aboard the ship. The cargo manifest had chocolate chip zucchini bread recipes
widely published and contained no hint of anything other than the prosaic commercial goods normally shipped on liners. The most valuable known item was a jeweled copy of the Rubáiyát, which had been Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes sold at a London auction for less than five hundred pounds shortly before the ship sailed. Insurance claims basil chicken breast recipes
been filed for various pieces of personal jewelry, but not in astronomical amounts. So, he asked himself, what was he doing in the museum?. Groton and his damned Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes book! Whatever Montague came up with, even some mildly suspicious (and probably easily explainable) entry, he knew Peter would ride it to the heights basil chicken breast recipes
wild speculation, unsubstantiated surmises, and highly dubious conclusions. He liked Groton as a person, but as a journalist Peter had the Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes morals of a Soho whore. Yet Montague had made a promise and anyway, he had never really examined the Titanics cargo list in detail. It might prove interesting, if unproductive smoked turkey sausage recipes
Grotons point of view. He stood up and stretched before laboriously squeezing his six-foot-five frame into Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes the small chair allotted to a museum library study desk. Montagues height was not especially commanding, for he was built along the lines of a pipe cleaner. His face was so broad, however, it was almost basil chicken breast recipes
as if the imposing head had been grafted on Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes to the tall, thin body. A shock of thick shaggy gray hair added to the cranial dimensions and his stern features gave him a look of perpetual arrogance. He was not an arrogant man, however. He had a quick, easy smile and the canned dill pickle recipes using alum
wit of someone Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes who did not take himself very seriously. Curious chap was the label most casual acquaintances pinned on Derek Montague, unwittingly applying the right adjective but with the wrong meaning. Montague was a man of insatiable curiosity, especially when it came to anything concerning the Titanic. Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes So it was with smoked turkey sausage recipes
sense of anticipation that he bent over a photostatic reproduction of the cargo manifest. The original had gone down with the ship, but, as was the custom, a copy had been sent to the port of destination on another vessel-which happened Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes to have been the famed Cunard liner Mauretania. The manifest was meat ball strognoff all recipes
There were hundreds upon hundreds of individual crates, cases, boxes, and bags listed, sent by over one hundred different shippers. Consummate professional that he was, Montague would examine every name and every item. He did Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes not really know for what he was searching. If he found anything, it probably would be smoked turkey sausage recipes
sheer instinct, born of innate suspicion. He began reading, his eyes roving each listing like a radar beam probing for a telltale blip. Wakem & McLaughlin 1 case wine Thorer Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes & Praetorius 1 bale skins Carter, W. E. 1 case auto He stopped, smiling to himself. Carter, W. E. had struck basil chicken breast recipes
chord of recognition. That would be William E. Carter, Philadelphia mainliner and a first-class passenger who was one of the fortunate survivors, along Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Recipes w.
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