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Look after yourself, Jon.
You too. It was good to see you, Megan. Good luck on the mission.
She watched him walk out of the overhang and disappear into the drizzle.
Im at loose ends....
Megan had never thought of Smith as a man without purpose or direction. She Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes was still wondering about his cryptic
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as she walked over to Sophias grave, the rain drumming on her umbrella. CHAPTER TWO The Pentagon employs over twenty-three thousand workers--- military and civilian--- housing them in a unique structure that covers almost four million square feet. Anyone looking for Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes security, anonymity, and access to both the worlds most sophisticated communications plus drink of spain recipes
power centers of Washington could not ask for a more perfect venue. The Leased Facilities Division occupies a tiny portion of the offices in the Pentagons E block. As its name implies, Leased Facilities Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes oversees the procurement, management, and security of buildings and land for the military, everything from storage warehouses in bourbon drink recipes
Louis to vast tracts of Nevada desert for an air force testing ground. Given the decidedly unglamorous nature of its work, the men and women in the Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes division are more civilian than military in character. They arrive at the offices at nine oclock in the morning, put in a dutiful days beef stuffed zucchini recipes
and leave at five. World events that might keep their colleagues at their desks for days on end have no impact Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes on them. Most of them like it that way.
Nathaniel Fredrick Klein liked it too--- but for altogether different reasons. Kleins office was at the very end of a hall, tucked beef stuffed zucchini recipes
doors that were marked ELECTRICAL ROOM and MAINTENANCE. Except there were no such service rooms Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes behind those doors and their locks could not be opened even with the most sophisticated key card. That space was part of Kleins secret suite. There was no nameplate on Kleins door, only an internal Pentagon designation: easy cookie recipes
If asked, the few coworkers whod actually seen him Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes would describe a man in his early sixties, medium height, unprepossessing except for his rather long nose and wireframed glasses. They might recall his conservative and somewhat rumpled suits, perhaps the way he would smile briefly when passed in the hall. They beef stuffed zucchini recipes
have heard that Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes Klein was sometimes called before the joint chiefs or a congressional committee. But that would be in keeping with his seniority. They might also know that he was vested with the responsibility of checking the properties the Pentagon leased or had an interest in throughout Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes the world. That would top secret copy cat recipes
for the fact that one seldom saw him at all. In fact it was sometimes difficult to say who or what Nathaniel Klein really was. At eight oclock in the evening, Klein was still behind his desk in the modest office that Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes was identical to all the others in the wing. He bourbon drink recipes
added a few personal touches: framed prints depicting the world as imagined by sixteenth-century cartographers; an old-fashioned pedestal-mounted globe; and a large, framed photograph of the earth taken from the space shuttle. Although very few people Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes were aware of it, Kleins affinity for things global was a direct reflection of his real italian christmas cookies recipes
to serve as the eyes and ears of the president. From this nondescript office Klein ran a loosely knit organization known as Covert-One. Conceived by the president after the Baked Chicken Breasts Recipes horror known as the Hades Project, Covert-One was designed to be the chief executives early warning system and secret response option. Because Covert-One drink of spain recipes
outside the usual military-in.
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