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it took to slow down, stop, or turn a ship of that size moving at such speed. During the Titanics sea trials, she had never exceeded eighteen knots, nor had any emergency maneuvers even been attempted; the entire trial procedures had consumed only half a day. Derek had added, By contrast, todays new liners go through more than a month of trials; it boggles the mind how perfunctory the Titanics were. Absolutely no effort was made to ascertain her turning radius, how quickly she answered the helm, or how long it took to slow her down, let alone stop.
Van Buren finally called out, Derek, you were absolutely right about that spur damage. Much of the lower hull is plainly visible and there is no sign of a long gash. I can make out the same small rents and punctures you saw. My God, wait until we get back and announce this finding to the world!
Then the image of a living ship suddenly disintegrated, like the crumbling of burned paper. The nostalgia that had achieved resurrection in his mind was replaced by reality, for Franklin had reached the point where the great liner had snapped in two. The floodlights were showing him the end of the severed forward section, and beyond was nothing but the lifeless sea bottom. Now he recognized the Titanic for what she was-a water-ravaged giant tombstone. But just as sacred, he thought feelingly. Maybe even more sacred. ...
He sighed and pressed the transmit button.
Van Buren, here. Id like to look for the stern section now. I could use sonars help. Any other large targets in the area?
Give me the mike, Hawke snapped to Robertson. Snatching it out of his hand before the captain could acquiesce. Trevor, this is John. You dont have the luxury of blundering around trying to find that goddamned stern.
I dont intend to go blundering around. I expect you to give me some vector guidance to save time. I just want to get a brief look at the stern. Itll tell us a lot about the Titanics trajectory as she fell to the bottom ... priceless scientific information, as you must know.
Hawke looked at Robertson, who was bent over the sonar screen. Getting anything, Jerry?
Yeah. A pretty large blip at least two thousand feet to the south of where he is now.
Two thousand? Hawke repeated. Thats a hell of a distance to cover in the bottom time hes got left. He hesitated, strongly tempted to deceive the oceanographer, then decided against it. Trevor, weve got a target to the south, but youre two-fifths of a mile from it, maybe a third. Before we leave here, you can take Franklin down again, so please commence ascent. He hoped phrasing the distance in fifths of a mile instead of feet sounded more threatening, but one never really knew how a boffins mind worked.
There was no immediate response from Franklin, and Montague had a strong feeling Van Buren was trying to figure out a logical way to defy Hawke. He was right.
John, it is absolutely essential that I at least attempt to locate the stern. You people are going to be so busy going after.