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Then he had simply turned and headed north-west. For George had never had any intention of going to Ios. Not today, anyway. By six oclock that evening at the latest he would be moored in the port of Paros. Anything like an early start in All Cabbage Soup Recipes the morning would give him a italian pasta dish recipes
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no shoals off this corner of the island.
Obeying instructions to help himself to whatever he fancied, he poured a glass of kitró and settled down on one All Cabbage Soup Recipes of the benches. He sipped luxuriously at the delicious drink - native to Naxos and obtainable only there, on Ios and on Vrakonisi - chicken breast goujons recipes
reflected that it was perhaps a little early, but he was on holiday. The deceptively weak-tasting liquor, bland and viscous, with All Cabbage Soup Recipes the bitter tang of the lemon rind in it as well as the sugared-down sharpness of the flesh, relaxed him. Lighting a cigarette, he glanced idly out of the window. They chicken breast goujons recipes
passing, at a distance of about a hundred yards, the islet at the south-western tip All Cabbage Soup Recipes and, on it, the grand house where a very rich foreigner was known to be staying and amusing himself with the local boyhood. These people seemed to think they could do as they liked in the barbeque dry rub recipes by bobby flay
George made a spitting grimace. Then he noticed somebody All Cabbage Soup Recipes in a dark suit, perhaps the foreigner himself, standing on the terrace of the house and apparently looking straight at him. As George watched, screwing up his eyes against the glare, the man hurried indoors, returning after a quarter of a minute lebanese slow cooker recipes
another. The new All Cabbage Soup Recipes arrival examined the Altair for a longer period through binoculars, which he then passed to his companion. More examination. A third man now came bustling out and joined the first two. All three seemed .